Thermometer or Thermostat?

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and perfect."

‭‭– Romans 12:2 ESV

By Danielle Avery

I once heard someone use this thermometer vs. thermostat analogy in a discussion about attitude and behavior, and it really resonated with me.

In our daily lives, we face situations that feel beyond our control. Some people act like thermometers, merely reflecting their environment—joyful when things are good and discouraged when they aren't. Others function like thermostats, intentionally setting the emotional tone in their lives. The difference between a thermometer and a thermostat reveals an important truth: we hold the power to influence our own lives. Thermometer-like people let their feelings be governed by external forces. They become reactive, allowing the behavior of others to dictate their emotional well-being, leading to unpredictability and the sense of victimhood. On the other hand, thermostat people recognize their ability to establish their emotional climate. They draw upon the hope and strength of Jesus each day, choosing to radiate positivity no matter their circumstances. Their happiness does not depend on external validation; it comes from within, fueled by faith, and shapes how they respond to challenges. Romans 12:2 urges us not to conform to this world but to renew our minds, enabling us to positively affect our surroundings. We have the choice to embrace gratitude over discontentment, service over selfishness, and joy over despair, regardless of our situations.

This week, choose one specific situation where you typically feel like a thermometer. Make a conscious effort to act as a thermostat instead, reaching for Jesus in that difficult moment. Set a positive intention for that situation and identify one encouraging action you can take. Offer a compliment, practice gratitude, or focus on a solution, bringing warmth and positivity to your environment. May we start each day with grateful hearts, ready to share kindness and positivity.


Unfairness of Grace